a character in a gay sex reality tv show called "winnie the pooh" eeyore, unlike his other friends is the only one that doesn't take anti-depressants and influences kids to be emo and that their future houses will be a bunch of sticks in the middle of the hundred acre woods. Although he may not cut himself, he enjoys stabbing his ass with a nail and decorating it with a pink bow.
Don't go eeyore, man

by a bunch of pooh March 7, 2008
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v. To get all fucked up, lose all ability to communicate using the English language, act crazy, then wake up the next day and not remember a thing
Man, Justin got all eeyored out last night. Those tequila shots must have done him in.
by Norman Bates April 20, 2006
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An adult female with a sweet nature and loving disposition who is also very childlike. At times a bit surly and grumpy, other times a bit docile and milquetoast, but with a heart full of gold and ultimately lovable. A wonderful person.
Its not a surprise that Savannah can be a successful entrepreneur and yet get so wrapped up in 'Gilmour Girls' since she is veritable Eeyore. She is quite fortunate to know Tyler.
by Cavalier72 March 4, 2009
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Synonym for donkey - particularly in poker circles.
Nice call with ace-high, Eeyore.
by SirLacksALot February 20, 2007
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A blow job given a man wearing a condom. Named after the Winnie the Pooh character Eeyore, who received a broken baloon for his birthday and enjoyed picking it up with his mouth and moving it into and out of a jar.
"Shit, man, I'm not giving you an Eeyore, take that thing off!"
by Khizzar November 6, 2007
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Someone who is always negative and pessimistic. This person is always boring and is a stark contrast from a tigger.
Dude, don't be such an eeyore.
by BabydollDame22 August 3, 2016
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A person that is habitually or chronically depressed, sad, melancholy, gloomy etc., for more days than not. They are over concerned with their problems, no matter how small. They tend to have a round the clock "poor me" attitude. Being around these people has a tendency to "suck the life" out of others.
Man I can't stand to be around bill now days he is a downer! Yeah he really needs to snap out of the "eeyore syndrome" that runs his life.
by nasty neal October 24, 2009
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