The highest compliment a mother can give her daughter is to name her Echo.
At birth her mother said; i shall name her Echo because she is destined for greatness.
by sheena frye October 26, 2004
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Echo is a beautiful talent person that will not only love you but will be yours forever.
by I love echo December 12, 2015
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An incredibly fun and sweet husky-beagle-boxer mix who is so stubborn and slow to learn that we had to turn his Invisible Fence collar to max in order to get him to respect the electric fence (I once walked through the fence with his collar in my hand and I cried in pain with my whole arm sore for several days).
Echo is a big sweet ball of fluff who makes up for his stubborn untrainable attitude with love, care, and affection.
by Bad C dev July 12, 2021
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A young beautiful, artistic, fun loving, kind hearted, nerdy, girl who enjoys to draw and likes to do things she gets into if you have an echo you better be nice to her and hold her close to your heart
Look at echos art
by Amethyststarbrazeal May 26, 2018
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Echo is one of the best people you can have the pleasure of meeting.

They're a lot of fun to be around, no matter what odd circumstances. They are extremely artistic , and are very proud of it.

Extremely into organs and does not think they are pianos. There are actually 87+ versions of Echo and counting. Actually full of sins. Escaped school through a window once, no big deal.

Likes hats and colorful hair. Believes that Beethoven should have his own holiday. Also very involved with the Internet.
Person 1: What are you doing?
Person 2: Talking to my friend Echo, duh.

Person 1: Who's that person over there with the rad hair?
Person 2: Damn, it must be Echo. What a cool person.
by organs are all pianos May 14, 2017
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