Asian spicey food that feels as hot going in as it does coming out. Believed to have spawned the expression "Ring of Fire"
Wow, that was hot! But it was worth it.
by Davey Boy March 4, 2005
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an awful indian food that makes you fart and shit
ballin like curry
by dhar woman March 2, 2022
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To get bombarded with many emails in a short amount of time
Man I just got curried, 6 emails arrived in 15 seconds!
by PlatformH August 6, 2008
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Food substance deriving from central asia, the earliest known recipe for which appeared on tablets found near Babylon in Mesopotamia, written in cuniform text as discovered by the Sumerians, and dated around 1700 B.C., probably as an offering to the god Marduk.

The origin of the word itself is likely to have it's origins from the Tamil word 'kari' meaning spiced sauce.

In Britain, curries range from quite mild, to very hot, vindaloo being one of the hottest varieties.

Americans would not be able to handle even a spoonful of vindaloo cos they are wimpy cry babys.
by M May 16, 2003
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I almost got in a fight with the damn curry when his taxi almost hit my car.
by Stella Dash July 27, 2010
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Curry is a popular sauce in Asian dishes, its a fish paste with chili and other spices added.

Curry has a strong smell, which if you cook with curry, the smell with remain on your hands even after you wash them.

Curry is most popular with Thai dishes. Though other Asian countries use Curry as well. The smell may not be that pleasent to some people, and its quite strong. But cooked in a meal, such as Golden Curry Crab, with sliced onions. Its a great meal if you like sweet heat.

Curry in english terms is generally called fish paste, which has links to Ketchup.

The anciant Chinese used a condiment from fish paste, which the English in old Europe made a condiment from tomato paste, more pleasing to old English mouths than the Chinese version, the Chinese name was similar to Ketchup, and why Ketchup is the popular condiment name used on everything from burgers to ziggly fries.

The link to fish paste is only one theory out of several however as to how Ketchup in its modern name surfaced. The Chinese theory is from kôe-chiap, a product from fish paste.

The first English referances to the word were in the late 1600's referring to an Indian sauce.

After Heinz, Ketchup is the common condiment used on everything from burgers to ziggly fries.
Curry might have a strong smell to it, but if you like spice and like seafood, its very good.

Person1 at work lunchroom: Wow, that Asian person just heated up something that smells horrible! I pity that microwave!!
Person2 at work lunchroom: Its Curry, and its actually quite good, if you stopped eating pizza and fries from the work cafe every day, you would not have such a huge butt you burger butt.
by forwardbias June 15, 2009
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To go to an Indian restaurant with a girl and make out.

This would best be used if you ate a girl out at an Indian restaurant before after or during a meal.
To go for a curry.

I met this chick down town and we went for a curry, it was a great time but maybe i shouldn't have eaten that spicy food first.
by twinny22 October 1, 2009
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