A city in Illinois where all the losers,dopeheads,welfare mothers and thieves live(also known as Nigcagoans).recognized by its stench and the sound of tax money being sucked from southern Illinois(south of 64)
Chi-town person"yea im from Chi-Town dont fuck wid me"
normal person"kick to the sack"
Chi-Town Person"crying....MAAAAA(sounds like a sheep bleeting..actualy means mother
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Similar to the Irish goodbye the Chi-town boogie takes place in a cab after a night of drinking with one or more friends riding with you. In route to the next destination when the cab stops at a stop light or stop sign you toss a few bucks at your friends, quickly jump out the cab yelling "CHI-TOWN BOOGIE!" and disappear into the night. The move is especially useful when you want to dip out early on a night and not get your balls busted by your friends or simply to go do something more fun.
We were on our way to the zebra and Noel pulls a Chi-Town boogie on me, I havnt heard from him since.
by Ez B June 1, 2014
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this is when you sit in a stall in the mens room until some guy goes in next to you. You then wait until the man has completely lowered his trousers and is in the process of blastin his dukey. You then proceed to stand on the toilet (if possible), lower your pants, and let out a pisser over the stall wall and onto the man next to you. Then zip up and run like a motherfucker!!!!!!!!!

This can also be done with two people on either side of the man, both in on the joke. Sometimes called a chi-town super sprinkler
Me and Daniel gave our teacher a chi-town sprinkler while he was on the john. He never found out!!!!!!
by ridinwitdubs June 26, 2006
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A person shits in a sock, then beats someone over the head with it.
I got so mad at this guy that I Chi-town Billyclubbed him.
by Name April 23, 2008
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Shitty/brown/harsh weed from inner-city Chicago. Found in Chicago, and surrounding area.
D-bag: Yo man, check out this ill weed I just picked up.

Non d-bag: Those shitty brown nugs? Have fun with your Chi-town brown faggot.
by Chicagoguy1010 August 12, 2008
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