Another way of saying "Good bye" for a stoner.
Stoner: Bye.
Person: See ya later.
Stoner: Cheech it!
by SlimJim226 May 22, 2015
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Slang among physicians, especially those in training. In verb form, it refers to ordering every radiologic and lab test imaginable to diagnose a confounding (or at some institutions, not-so-confounding) illness. In noun form (also known as cheech-bomb), it refers to the panoply of tests itself.

For example the rheumatologic cheech (rheum cheech) may consist of ordering anti-ANA, anti dsDNA, anti-RO, anti-La, anti-histone, anti-scl70, RF, anti-RNP, complement, biopsies of the lungs/kidneys, imaging of the lungs/kidneys/brain.
I admitted a patient suspected of having lupus the other day, and the attending wanted me to order the rheum cheech.
by Mary Elizabeth Garrett January 27, 2008
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Verb. To ruin someone else's property or possessions, usually due to one's own lack of self-awareness. Usually is followed by a detailed account of how it is not the actor's fault.
Yo, ur tames got cheeched when u went offline lmao
by 520bro September 7, 2019
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To take a rip off a juul, vape, cig, or bud.
Ayy bro lemme cheech that juul real quick
by Sbukidgonewild April 7, 2019
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Cheeching, or to cheech, is the act of partaking in an un specified substance, from hitting a vape to eating a sandwich or licking the sidewalk, to cheech is to do and to do is to cheech
Ayye bro lemme cheech that sandwich
Yo lemme cheech that nic
Yo bro stop cheeching drink
by Brotendo dong February 11, 2020
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an alcoholic drink, invented by mr tre cool himself.
wanna go drink some cheech homie?!
by mollyCOOL April 12, 2005
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