term for cool, or if you wanna sound cool calling sumthing cool
Man Those hats are so checker!
by Cay May 19, 2005
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quite possibly the shittiest fast food ever invented. usually found in ghetto-ass areas of the country (e.g. East Orange, NJ) they hire the scum of the fucking earth as employees and serve the least satisfying burgers around. makes mcdonalds look like ruth's fuckin chris. their motto: "ya gotta eat" says it all... hey, if you're a greasy ass fool lookin for some grub, might as well spend that last $1.87 of yours on us... i mean shit, ya gotta eat SOMETHIN, nigga!!
"yo kree, whats the nastiest shit u ever been associated with?" "probably that bitch workin over at checkers.. AND the burger i ate off her ass."
by da big KA March 8, 2005
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meaning one is who usually associated with the checkered pattern;like a person who is like pattern which doesnt match or makes no sense;plaid; a stupid idiot also can be a fascist nazi
I think that dude is acting checkered because he is lying about the car he stole then lied about it.
by Andre`e the great April 14, 2004
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Wow, aren't you a checker. Go back to Checkersland, Checker.
by vapenoodles June 11, 2019
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Derogatory term for some one who is both black and white. Mullato.
That checker kid's mom is white.
by Jack Batemaster January 7, 2004
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A mixture of good and bad facial features in a single person. Often causing mixed feelings on level of hotness.
Ellen Muth from Dead Like Me is hot, but checkered.
by FutureResident June 3, 2011
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Checkers was in the 50s, (at the time) Vice-President Nixon's dog. He used the dog, a cocker spaniel I think, to cover up a blatent lie. Basicly, he tried to tell the world a soppy story about his dog to make them feel sorry for him and put him in a more favorable light than he was ultimatly burned out of office by.
"Checkers is my cute little dog." It could probably also be used as a verb. "Man, don't talk checkers to me!"
by Tony Kessler August 24, 2006
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