The act of browsing charity shops one after another for a sustained length of time, possibly following a pre-planned route. An all round good day out.
Interesting person A: What's our plans for saturday then?
Interesting person B: How about we go in to town, you know, do a bi' o' chazzing...
Interesting person A: Great, I'm well up for that
Interesting person B: Sorted. See you at 9.30 sharp in Oxfam.
by kuveflivyewfliuv November 18, 2008
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To be utterly shat upon in any facet of life whatsoever.
“That chem gets just chazzed me.”
by Notchas October 16, 2019
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Being so incredibly stoned that you can't move, hold any sort of conversation whatsoever, and will only accept "Steak & Shake" as the answer to everything.
Ben: Yo man you wanna go to Wal-Mart with me?
Evan: Nah man I'm chazzed. Steak & Shake?
by Marques Bowlston November 1, 2010
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when the someone cums it is an act of chazzin,
"what is that? did someone chazz on your face?"
"ooooooh your gonna make me chazz"
by margarita January 22, 2004
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A little fag ass bitch kid that thinks he's strong but he's really a short pussy ass bitch. And Chazz's are usaully gay muther fukers
Chazz is a fagget ass Bitch
by .:.j.o.k.e.r.:. February 18, 2009
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chazzed chazzed chazzed chazzed chazzed chazzed ,chazzed chazzed chazzed ,chazzed chazzed chazzed ,,chazzed chazzed chazzed chazzed chazzed
yo you got chazzed

naw bro u did
by chazzed December 30, 2020
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