Branden is a sexy beast that all of the girls drool over his fine ass looks. Branden is also that guy that everyone likes and is cool to be around and has a massive cock that all of the ladies want but he says “ no I have to find the right one”. He is also a very musical man that’s very athletic and looks a lot older than he actually is. His skin complexion is irresistible and a real chick magnet. He is the alpha male of his friends that try to be like him but are nowhere close. He always has the best hair of all and is just the coolest guy ever
Who is that man making everyones jaw drop....................... it’s Branden
by Sexy ness April 6, 2020
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A kind and persistent person that doesn’t give up on his goals, always working hard, and is compassionate to others. He may seem week but deep down he has a strong will to fight, that’s what makes him a persistent and thoughtful person.
Branden is a kind person
by November 6, 2021
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A very tall guy who looks like a giraffe. Maybe even taller. He’s really sweet and genuine and will never let you down. His smile can light up the universe and beyond. Probably the best boyfriend ever too. If you ever get a branden in your life never and I repeat NEVER let him go. His shoe size is literally out of this world but he still manages to have a good style of shoes.
“Omg is that a giraffe!??”
Oh no that’s just branden
by Postpaid September 9, 2019
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Brandens, (usually males), are very funny, and smart! They may seem quiet in public, but are really outgoing when they're with their friends. Brandens are normally very tall, Brandens normally have curly hair, and are very skinny. They enjoy being awesome all day, everyday. Brandens are always there for their friends, and always will be. They're very kind, funny, talented, and sweet. If you know a Branden, keep him in your life!
Branden Is Awsome!
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Branden's are large unkept men who like anime a little too much. This breed of male tends to lurk inside of their basement and are well known to generally reject societal norms.
Did you hear about that man who passed away inside of their basement? It took them 3 days to discover he was dead and only because of the fact that he didn't come to the door when his delivery of extra hot Doritos arrived. What a fucking Branden.
by KylefromDeadx November 3, 2020
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a whack ass name for a whack ass person
Who spells Branden like that
by Mr. Lawn Dix October 19, 2019
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