A show of appeal or favor, especially toward gained attributes or accomplishments
David: Wow man, that chick was totally checking me out!
Joe: Dude, that's so bishness!
by PivotDZ November 23, 2008
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A friendly swearword taking the place of "Bitch". Used on Facebook and other popular websites such as Stardoll and Myspace (:
Girl 1: I laaaave you xx
Girl 2: You are my bish =P
Boy 1: we're all fuck buddies :)
Girls: Bishes ;)
by Bish-xx June 12, 2010
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A shortened version of the word bitch. Commonly used when it is inappropriate to swear. Mostly used as an insult.
English Teacher: Did you get your homework done last night?
Student: No.
English Teacher: Why not?
Student: Because you're a bish
by groundedpidgeon December 21, 2003
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A full time Mcdonalds worker who has no life and is addicted to dinosaur porn and weed
person 1: Here's your big mac
person 2: That guy was such a bish
by jaytheviper099 January 13, 2020
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An unclassified miniscule organism that is native to South America. Key characteristics include, unnaturally large eyeballs, a thick coat of fur, and a lack of skeleton (globular-shaped organism).

Bishes ihhabit the inside of cacti and are not exposed to large amounts of sunlight, which accounts for their naturally large eyeballs. They have a thick fur coating year-round, which protect them from predators. Their body shape is not distinct as they lack a skeleton. Their method of movement can be described as being "slink-like", quite like the famous "Slinkies" of the 1990s.

Mother bishes are conisderably larger than their offspring and are very protective of their young. They exhibit maternal characteristics similar to mother chimpanzees. Mother bishes consume the inner walls of the cacti they inhabit and process the cacti material so it is suitable for safe consumption for their offspring.

Bishes are a newly discovered species and are undergoing much investigation in order to be properly classified. Some have been captured and have been successfully domesticated to serve as household pets.

"Hey! Look at that bish!"

"You ate all my food, you mother bish!"

"Wash your bishes!"
by Discover Science March 18, 2009
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abbreviation of bishie or bishounen which is the japanese word that describes an attractive to the point of feminin young man...or pretty/beautiful boy.
by thekkibs July 16, 2004
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"Bish" is white-girl slang for "bitch" commonly used by ratchet white girls, skanks, and white trash.

Random Person- YES BISH
by I Am A Fvcking FanGirl February 25, 2015
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