A Golden dog known as a retrieving dog. Also defined as a golden retreiver. Loves to Pant in your face. Loves to shake that thang (tail) all the time. Steals shoes to greet you. Whines when excited.
WOAH ur so annoying..geez you bernard!!
by ashley and sarah August 23, 2006
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An anonymous character that lurks on YouTube around DnB videos.
They often make 'phantom' comments that confuse and puzzle the average listener.
Commenter 1:"im still looking for ''Bernard's'' comment"
Commenter 2:"someone please tell me who in the fuck is bernard"
Commenter 1:"fuck u bernard. u wasted 10 minutes of my life looking for your comment"
by LukeHandle December 31, 2011
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Has a particular passion for burning kitchen waste for example banana skins or used tea bags.

Refers to industrial and domestic kitchens.
Be a Bernard and sort this mess out.
by Izad-1998 June 11, 2011
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Bernard is a person who is really nice, but talks you into something but you can't say no coz he's so nice
Gee, bernards so nice, i coudnt say so to him, now im in the green thumbs clup
by PPratty February 24, 2020
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a heartless selfish being who usually dont care until karma kicks in. dont wash and get with any kind of trash that throws itself at him over the prize. never care what he lost. a goodlooking hoe lovin douchbage.
yo bernard had a sexy as girl. what happen?

-he done with her. he got with that hoe now. she ain got no respect for him or herself. now he stuck with her. smh

how he get a girl anyway, nigga stink !
by trymefoo September 28, 2011
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A person with an extremely small penis. almost invisible to the naked eye. So small you can pick a lock with it.
I was so excited to screw my new boyfriend, til he dropped his pants and showed me his Bernard.
by Brown Hole July 5, 2011
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Elderly penis, but a young body.
Dude was way hot, but when we started getting it on, I discovered he had a straight up Bernard!
by Jacalak January 14, 2010
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