If you where born on this day you are the most perfect girl. You are very well mannered, respected by all, everybody loves you because you have such a cheery, bubbly personality l, you are very energetic, you have the best body, best kisser, you are always happya nd know how to put a smile on other people's faces, you are the smallest in the group but your personality is very big, you are very pretty and anyone that has you in there life shoukd be thankful!
"Yo it's April 24th I'm so happy this date exists"
by Dwrekthedinosaur April 20, 2020
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a disgusting challenge where forced fricking is legal, is this challenge created by edp 2.0? luckily, the official national day for april 24th is ice, celebrate ice instead.
weirdo: it's april 24th! you know what that means...
lia: no, it's national ice day, celebrate ice instead.
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National “smack a bitch if needed” day. If anyone tries anything to you, make sure to beat the shit out of them EXTRA hard. Remember, it’s self defense.
Stay safe <3
Someone: “Hey we should hang out on April 24th... It’s national ra-”
You: “-Oh you mean April 24th? That’s national smack a bitch if needed day, and guess what? You’re the bitch.”

And then you smack the hell out of them <3
by idontknowwhyimalive April 23, 2021
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basically if your an OG tiktoker you would understand how much tiktok has changed since the summer of 2019. So on April 24th we are going to bring back old trends that y'all have missed especially for all you people thinking your too good for tiktok back then but have it now.


no new dances/ just old trends
brooo on April 24th we're bringing the summer of 2019 back!

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International women's day (again) because r*pe day is immoral, disgusting, horrendous and overall horrible so instead of committing literal felonies lets admire and tip our hats to all women because they deserve it for being able to deal with this sh*t for so long, especially survivors of s*xual assault, my heart goes out to you.
"Hey bro have you heard its April 24th so means it ra-"

*kicks you in the balls immediately*

"Nah its international women's day 2.0"
by ilycjc April 17, 2021
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International Josh day.
What started as a meme, soon turned into a reality on April 24th, 2021, where hundreds of people named Josh met up and battled it out with pool noodles, leaving a 4 year old from Lincoln, Nebraska to win, and the OG Josh Swain from Arizona winning the name, defeating Josh Swain in Omaha, Nebraska at a rock, paper, scissors competition, making him change his last name to "Slain"
"Whats April 24th?"
"Oh, thats international josh day"
by Anastasiaaaaaaaaa April 25, 2021
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National josh day, the day a bunch of josh got together and fought for who keeps the name
1: did you know that April 24th is national josh day
2: yea it was an epic day
by A hero for fun April 24, 2021
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