A group of people that think they are extremely funny yet they aren't.
Person 1: Omg this stuff is gross get me off of straight tiktok and take me to Alt Tiktok.
Person 2: Shut up retard.
by thatne34 September 2, 2020
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The people that are so insecure they let it out on you, and in my popular opinion, the worst people. They bark at you and treat you like shit, they dehumanize men and say "KAM" (Kill All Men) and their logic is so terrible. They are literally 13 year old girls that will tell a 20 year old man to "educate himself" whenever he is correct. They will literally say "BARK BARK WOOF WOOF" when they get something wrong in an argument, it is constantly joked about and denied on the "straight TikTok" community, this whole alt vs straight is very, very dumb and childish.

TL;DR: don't go on TikTok, at all. save yourselves
Hey bro you heard of alt TikTok?
You mean the insecure, annoying, 13 year old girls on the internet that think they're depressed?
Yeah that, I hate it.
Me too.
by asciidude January 16, 2021
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Alt tiktok (aka gay tiktok or elite tiktok) is the more fun side of tiktok. We do have an elite sense of humor that will make straight tiktok people confused. Everyone wants in, but they just can’t get in (cough avani cough). For example:
Lilhuddy- straight tiktok

Chaserutherford- alt tiktok
Straight kid: “I love this tiktok”
(It’s a dance tiktok)
Cool kid: “Oh cool... What side of tiktok are you on?”
Straight kid: “There are sides?”
Cool kid: “smh😹😹😹😻😻🙀🙀”
no one likes straight tiktok unless they have no sense of humor
alt tiktok 4eva 😻😻😻
by coolgirl543 May 27, 2020
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The SJW twitter mob decided to go to TikTok and now think that they're superior to everyone else and think that they're the 'good' side of TikTok when really all of TikTok is a burning shitpile.
"I'm interesting I'm on alt tiktok I'm not like other girls I'm quirky UwU I also hate anyone who isn't the minority because I'm edgy"
by Arandomdisaster March 1, 2021
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elite tiktokhas sides such as trë, bean tiktok, elmo tiktok, hanging babies tiktok, sm6 tiktok, shrek tiktok, care bear sacrifice tiktok, retail arguments, makka pakka, pingu, jason earles, frogs, and deep fried videos with russian captions :) WOULD HIGHLY RECCOMEND!
alt tiktok! martha😁was🥰an🙃average🐕dog. She went💨aërf🍒&🤕ærph😪&👻EEEER🤠when👧🏻she👄ate🤏🏻some🤖alphabet👽soup,🐶then🧦what🌸happened🌚was🌈bizarre🧽
by aleishasexy June 7, 2020
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We did it we canceled a syrup brand for being racist lets go alt tiktok
by Mcfully2.0 September 21, 2020
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Mainly furries and social rejects that want nothing more than to see you canceled.
Alt tiktok: Anyone makes a joke: you're getting canceled
by ObamasWhiteMom November 26, 2020
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