Sensitive ass bitches with a white savior complex who lacks common knowledge and common sense and doesn’t know what a joke is
Guy: I would never wear a skirt

Alt Tiktok: It’s the toxic masculinity for me💅
Guy: My religion says I can’t support the lgbtq community.

Alt Tiktok: Not you being homophobic😌💅
by anelmoose on TikTok December 30, 2021
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Basically a bunch of depressed humans who think they are different and superior to any other sides of tiktok. They are goths, emos, all black clothing, that type. They tend to *gatekeep* pretty much everything, make the unfunniest jokes (such as KAM - Kill all men - , which led an 11 year old to attempt suicide). They bark at people because they lack the ability to have a normal conversation. Did I mention they are also the most sensitive people on the planet? They tried to cancel mickey mouse, yep Mickey Mouse for blackface. Like I said, think they are so amazing and write hate comments on 'straight' tiktok when really their only personality traits are their sexuality and the fact that they are alt.
Janet: Hey Luna, I found this new song by Lil Peep!
(Alt) Luna: UHM what? You can't listen to that song because you found it on tiktok and you aren't a real fan!

Janet: I just like the song-
Luna: Ughh straight tiktok is so pathetic, only alt tiktok can use it because they found it first and we know the true meaning of the song.
by Zingy_Zz1 January 3, 2021
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A group of fags who cannot take a joke and incessantly cancel people for either things that they said years ago or reasons that aren’t valid.
Susie: I just canceled someone for something entirely irrelevant on the Tiktok App!
John: So you’re part of Alt Tiktok?
by AltTiktokersAreFags January 6, 2021
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the side of tiktok where it has actual funny content
hahah i’m so quirky i’m on alt tiktok
by sir bartholomew kuma June 8, 2020
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The sensitive and hypocritical side of tiktok. Making jokes there will get you canceled
"Hahaha gay bad"
*gets canceled by lgbt alt tiktok users that totally don't make fun of straight white people*
by Troll9082 October 31, 2020
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welcome to the gay community bitch 💅🏻😻 here we fucking love barron trump 🌈 also no dumbass hype house or black hoodie were the cool kids 😎
bitch im on alt tiktok so xue hei piao paio ur ass outa here stoopid straightie
by bigballerclairesbigfatass June 24, 2020
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14 year old white girls that hate the opposite gender (men) but create their own.
Kid 1: there is only 2 genders
Alt Girl: No, there is more!
Kid 1: Are you on alt tiktok?
by KanyeWestFan666999 January 1, 2021
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