A very confusing but extremely attractive and caring girl who loves you for who you are, very loyal, and is always there for you. Rossely loves to have fun with her friends, loves to laugh, best girl a guy can ask for, and very insecure. Rossely has no idea how pretty she really is. From her silky, flowing hair, to her intelligent eyes, her amazing smile, her weird complexity and her fantastic body, you go into a trance every time you see her. Whenever you see her, it brightens up your day. All in all she's a very generous person who takes care of others before herself.
shes being such a rossely...but i love it!
Rossely loves teasing and will rock your world!
by ciara james November 2, 2013
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My best fucking friend, the funniest dude you'll ever meet. He's so caring, you'll never meet someone like him. He cares about everyone around him and has so much potential. He will always be there for you, even if you don't deserve it, Ross is the most special dude you'll ever meet. He makes you feel like you matter in a world where you feel like you don't. Never take advantage of him, because he's the only thing in this dumbass world that matters. He's so amazing and he doesn't even realize it, so it's up to all of us to let him know how much he changes our lives, and how he makes them so much better.
by WillyWonkaIsMyDad January 7, 2019
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Do be taken advantage of or coerced into doing something you are not aware you are doing.
by greenestofhills March 10, 2011
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to not take a shower for at least a 24hr time period or after a strenuous activity in which you have perspired an will most likely stink or smell bad
wow dude stop rossin it and take a damn shower.

dude you havent taken a shower since lifting your rossin it real hard.

practice was hard today and i dont have energy to take a shower so im just goin to ross it for a while
by big cuntree November 7, 2011
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A booty man. Likes to think he’s the funniest shitposter on Facebook but really it’s just a bunch of 16 year old girls reacting to his posts because they know he’s a nonce. You’ll see him out in DTC every friday AND saturday, but don’t count on him most weekends because football is life. Has a shit trim at the minute but has a horse cock so you decide which one tips the scales. Ross will wanna desperately get with you when you’re both drunk at 2 am because he has no other bitches but he’s also a great laugh and have I mentioned the horse cock?
You should definitely watch out for Ross, his type is girls with boyfriends

Ross does have stamina
by ZuzannaT March 18, 2020
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Rosse is a sweet person who will alwayd be there for you. Rosse is a nice person, you should definitly get a Rosse in your life cuz if you don't, your life sucks.
"Damn, Rosse looking fine today."
by M1L3S August 26, 2016
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A Ross is a sexy beast. Found mainly in lush green climates, some occasionally migrate to much colder areas. Feeds on take away and strawberry Yoohoo. When encountered, hug tightly, and don't let go.
Check out that Ross over there! Hubba Hubba!
by pilsa April 11, 2006
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