The next generation in gaming. Better graphics and gameplay the the wii and 360. It, though expensive, will out do any other system pre 2012.It costs a lot but it is worth every penny. most people say ps3 sucks only in blindness in rage over their obsession with the hatred towards playstation as a company.
tom: my playstation 3 makes the wii and 360 look like crap.

chris (360 fan): NO!!!....its just better

fred (wii fan): yeah...we suck
by lordethal December 22, 2006
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the best current gaming system alive...
great graphics, free internet, and kick ass games...
better than anything on the american market today...
i dont even own a PS3, and i can say it is the best...
a little pricey, but definetely worth it...
blue ray, dvd, backwards compatibility, free wifi, etc.
buy it...
dude 1: i finally got my PS3, it took me five-hundred hours of work, 12 pints of blood, a kidney, and all my possessions to buy it.

dude 2: dont you think thats a little much?

dude 1: no way man, check out these graphics!
(naked man sitting on the street playing playstation 3.)
by Jacklopebaird September 17, 2009
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A system that has already stolen things from the 360 and the Wii, hoping to have success with a $500 minimum price tag. The things stolen were the motion sensor, obviously ripped off of from Nintendo's Wii controller, and the Xbox Live Marketplace concept from Xbox Live.
The Playstation 3 controller stole the motion sensor from the Wii controller! Bastards!

The Playstation 3 stole the Marketplace concept from Xbox Live! Bastards!
by Michael Poppell May 10, 2006
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A gaming console that can play Blu-Ray, deliver High Definition graphics, detect motion, play online for free, play import games out of the box, be cheaply upgraded to 500 GB of memory, and cure cancer through folding@home.

Will inevitably be the dominant console of the seventh generation, due to a strong catalogue of current games, as well as amazing coming games.
Man, I just got my Playstation 3 - its so fucking sweet.
by Thewbacca August 3, 2008
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Something that needs to die a slow, painful death. Hopefully will cause the downfall of Sony Computer Entertainment.
Maybe Ken Kutaragi secretly wants to sink the Playstation 3's ungodly-expensive-for-a-home-console ship? I think I'll buy a Wii and set it next to my 360. Two consoles for the price of one and a game? Who'd a thunk it?
by someone named everyman June 26, 2006
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The worst of the Next-Gen consoles. No Innovation AT ALL (Sony pretty much had to steal everything from Microsoft and Nintendo). An absurd $500-600 price tag. And for what? Alotta shitty games (except for MGS4, I like MGS), and useless technology that people think is cool because it has cool names. In the end will most likely fail because its a piece of junk. Buy a 360 or a Wii instead.
Playstation fanboy: "Hey im gonna buy mes a t3h Playstation 3!!11!!1"
Gamer: "o rly?"
Playstation fanboy: "Yea! Its gonna have t3h mad awesum games and t3h blu-ray!!!!!11!11"
Gamer: "Whats blu-ray?"
Playstation fanboy: "I dunno, but it sounds cool!!!!111"
by guneagle July 6, 2006
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the kick ass system since n64, that people dog because they are to fuckin lazy to go to the stores and get a 600 piece of heaven, so they get a 360 which makes them 2000 bucks or they get a fukin wii cuz its cheap as shit, then they realize they should have gotten a ps3 because it has the best exclusives, and doesnt fuk up on all levels like 360, and doesnt support lil kid games like wii, so they die a very painful death, while true gamers get a ps3 and have the time of their fukin life
i got a 360 and halo 3 and the xbox blew up and fuked up my cd
told you to get the playstation 3
by ulto bane June 16, 2007
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