When you come up empty handed.
Did you find the last beer in the fridge?

Nope, no dice.
by Lloyd D. March 26, 2005
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1. Used to congratulate
2. extremely impressive or attractive
3. very pleasant; splendid

Synonyms: Awesome, sweet, cool, nice etc.
Jim: Are you going to the concert this friday?
Steve: of course, bitch
Jim: dice!

Did you get into college?
Yes i will be attending MIT

Woah, you have an iphone?
chyea bro
by Van MacDonald May 5, 2008
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slang; another in a long list of synonyms for the male genitalia, specifically the testes or "balls".
Jason: Holy crap! Did you see that jogger tie his shoes? His daisy dukes were so short, when he bent over, his dice flopped out of his pant legs!

Vincent: I knew you were gay...

by Liquidcipher December 18, 2007
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Used as an exclamation or description when an attempt to find the original source of an image fails, especially when that attempt involves removing a mask and performing a reverse image search.
'desert golf course with swimming pool' was no dice

posts picture of a covered image that has been partially restored using Photoshop no dice
by l81 June 13, 2020
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to not go through with a deal; to reject an offer.
"Yo Chris I'll trade you him for him"
"That deal is pretty bad. No Dice"
by C Powell November 4, 2005
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Company that can’t release games correctly on release. This company is owned by EA and that’s why it’s ass. They’re only good games are battlefield 3 and 4.
Holy shit this battlefield is ass, no wonder why EA owns Dice.
Friend: Just wait a year and it’ll be better.
by 32h June 27, 2019
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When a thing or subject is referred to as looking rather lavish, well put together and genuinely smooth in multiple segments/ways.
We're looking dicee boys
by conqs April 4, 2017
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