Double Doughnut Penetration : when a guy sticks his penis through a couple of doughnuts
fraser: hey mate hear lee did a DDP last night
scott: aw what a piece of jakie scum
by Madscotsman January 13, 2010
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Acronym for Dome Dome Piece aka beezy gets on her knees and sucks your schvanstenstuker.
nigga 1 - yo I'm coppin dat ddp from dis beezy toNIGHT!

nigga 2 - yo ddp cove?

nigga 1 - u know it dawwg!!
by J^Murda September 13, 2007
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- Dirty Dune Poon -

Females who enjoy riding dirtbikes, ATVs, etc. Can be found in the desert, usually sporting blonde hair and black streaks.

Most commonly associated with the hair style.
Damn! Did you see that girl with the DDP? She was SMOKIN!
by j December 5, 2003
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A good friend who you can always find in the middle of the dancefloor when it is time to get down. No matter how the night is going, you can always count on them to be on the dancefloor busting moves with you.
The night really got going when I ran into my designated dance partner (DDP) Kelsey and she dragged me out on the dance floor.
by LuckyLep December 13, 2011
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Daaib Dog Poo is simply a name of someone who smells of metabolic waste products and struggles to consume luncheon on time.
How has DDP been at the dinner table for over 2 hours?
DDP has no GDP.
by Edrea February 26, 2022
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