A holy fool. One quite careless, who mocks the proud: through wit, prankery, or subtle action.
"Hey, Bobbert, check out the assface in the store window posing like a mannequin..."
by Hill Y. December 13, 2003
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noun: someone who's ass is on their face; someone who has asses on their face often; a fucktard.
WTF, this assface totally failed to drop the IP when he went Comm. Fucking fucktard.
by ViniRotundo April 1, 2003
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when your face is reminiscent to onesbooty.Used in a form of mocking or social conversation. Uncommonly used as a term of endearment.
"i'll never go out with john, hes an assface"
by Clara Jane Sione October 25, 2004
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A completly rediculous inappropriate act. Unnecesary disfunction of the mental well being. It may be similar toa assface
What kindah assfaceness is this?
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When a person has the breath of a rotten donkey, they are an assface.
Weird kid in the hallway stops you and breaths in your face.
You punch him and yell “get the fuck out of the way ASSFACE!”
by Darthsquidjr October 24, 2018
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someone who has an ass in their face
someone: hey assface
girl: hey buttface
by i describe words May 22, 2021
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Someone who is butt ugly; their face looks like it will fart on you & they talk shit. That is an AssFace. Or most commonly known as the male version of a "Karen". Noun and/or Adjective
You were right that guy is an AssFace, I always thought he was a good guy, until now
by NellieBunz007 March 15, 2022
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