When an adult has a, usually cute or adorable, baby face as if they had been stuck in an ageless snow globe.
After Tom had shaved his beard it was obvious that he was a snow globe baby.
by Indiebreadkid October 7, 2015
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when large chunks of snow blow off the car in front of you on the road or highway and come hurtling at your windshield at 70mph.
woman: wow! did you see the snow missles come flying off that car and into our windshield?

man: yeah, I thought it would crack our windshield!
by jgatsby01 February 9, 2010
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Snow blitzing is defined as the event when one or a bunch of people, throw a ton of snow at a person while he or she is in the procrss of showering.
Alex: Hey! I got an idea. Lets go snow blitz Alexis again.
Andrew: OK,I'ill film it.
(Goes out to get snow)
Alex:Hey! Round 2 Bitch!
Alexis: What?
(Throws snow into shower)
Alexis:Fuck all of you!
by Danny Webstah October 31, 2011
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The act of a man sitting on top of a women's face getting his ass ate, "down unda", while simultaneously titty fucking her.
Dude you wouldn't believe what my girl and I tried! I gave her the Australian Snow Plow and she did not leave disappointed!

Make sure to shower before we get it on tonight, I want you to give me the ol' Australian Snow Plow baby!
by Stinky Bhole June 20, 2024
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