The pang of regret sometimes felt in the few seconds/yards between ordering fast-food at the speaker and picking it up in the drive thru lane.

*More often felt for greasy food choices rather than healthy or salad options.

Reversing in the drive thru lane is not recommended.
After ordering my second KFC meal of the week, I felt drive thru remorse as I pulled up to the payment window. I wondered how embarrassing it would be to tell the guy I changed my mind. But then I found the $7 leaping from my wallet, and the fried chicken in my mouth. TOO LATE!
by Valgirl March 21, 2010
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The feeling of remorse after leaving Taco Bell and realizing you should have bought more food.
John: Man I really should have bought another Cheesy Gordita Crunch.

Alex: Taco Bell Remorse
by ID_Superstar February 28, 2010
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The waiting period after you send an e-mail that is somewhat nasty or contains a dirty joke to a person that you are still trying to feel out their limits of what they consider acceptable and what is not.
Charlie suffered 48 hours of e-mail remorse until Linda finally replied to his e-mail in a positive way and followed it up with her own dirty joke.
by RSM the Tuber January 11, 2010
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When you compromise either moral and/or aesthetic standards to get laid and regret your choices instantly after. Post coital remorse is the feeling that manifests itself as the voice in your head the very moment after experiencing an orgasm and expresses utter disappointment by speaking an inner dialog that can vary in severity from disgusted shame all the way to suicidal suggestion.
police say, "post-coital remorse, is believed to be the leading cause of suicide in Men who fuck fat hoes."
by Lil2'high August 16, 2022
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When you delete a girl from facebook because she's being a huge bitch, then regret your decision because you can no longer facebook stalk her to find out who the new guy she's banging is.
a. "hey, sorry about that fight the other day. Friends?"

b. "sure."

a. "i have de-friend remorse. Can i add u back on fb?"

b. "no."

a. "you're banging dave aren't you. Whore."
by sike moda November 16, 2009
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The feeling you get after wanking to nasty/hardcore/fetish porn and having the dirty thoughts disappear from your mind as you orgasm, leaving a feeling of immense sadness and "why the fuck did I find that hot"
I found some piss porn and wanked furiously only to experience post wanking remorse
by The satanic panda May 4, 2015
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The feeling of a strong connection or bond between yourself and a piece of artwork.
How did the art deal go?
It didn't the guy had Mona Lisa's remorse.

Often art investors will refuse to sell a piece of art due to a personal attachment regardless of the profit from the sale.
by Lyon tamer February 25, 2015
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