it's when you play a song like a million times, like it's so good you can't/couldn't stop listening to it..
it can be platinum on your android/iPhone too like it doesn't matter you get the concept
superbass went platinum on my ipod when i was in middle school

xtuna stan: la fuerza by xtina went platinum !!!
another person: on your android bitch
by y2kcunt February 18, 2022
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its a play on the ranks "Grand champion" (the 2nd best rank on Rocket League) and "platinum" (the most commun rank) since plats have a tendency to have an ego and believe they're better than people on higher ranks
"im plat and can air dribble, celling shot, double flip reset and..."

-Bro's a Grand Platinum
by ratlab June 18, 2024
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A lesbian that has slept with men in the past but is now strictly into women.
My ex dumped me for a female. I think she was a Double Platinum Lesbian the whole time
by 2wEntEeE January 18, 2023
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the second last qwerty crown you get it for making 250 qwerty definitions
person 1 I got the platinum qwerty crown
person 2 you are officially a loser now

person 1 now I need the rainbow qwerty crown
person 2 does that mean step 1 of 2 to become the loser god
person 1 yes
by vanillaijeidhei March 16, 2022
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When a gay fella has never slept with a lady
Damn, Steve is a gay platinum. He's never slept with a woman.
by Platinum Steve February 17, 2018
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The cougar can also obtain this belt. If she ends the relations, the boy gets the belt. If he ends the relations, the cougar gets the belt.
**Also, if either party is intoxicated. It does not count**
They were at a party, and they hooked up. The cougar was drunk, so the hook up does not count towards the platinum belt.
by shorty444 October 24, 2010
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