Jail. The word slammer comes from the slam of cell doors. The slang is developed by jail birds and low level criminals, other words used for jail include the big house and the cage.
Random highschooler: Yo, are they doing locker checks today.

Other Random Highschooler: Yea bro, why?

Random Highschooler: My locker's full of kush. I'm fucked.

Other Random Highschooler: Shit man your going to the slammer.
by Annak95 July 5, 2017
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A person who loves slamming death metal (or just "slam") music. It's common for slammers to wear slam bands' merchandise: full caps, t-shirts, sweatpants or basketball shorts with bands' logos.
- Look! There goes a slammer with Epicardiectomy shirt!
- Yeah. He's probably going to the Infestation show... Hey dude, show me some hammers!
- Show me , show me!
by ShowMeSomeHammers June 21, 2017
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This dirty gem of poverty is a concoction made by mixing a 40z of Old English and a Four Loko. For 5 dollars you can make yourself some nasty looking mopwater that tastes surprisingly good and will most assuredly get you slammed.
by DefUrban January 13, 2020
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A catchy song. As referenced on the Longmont Potion castle track "Molecular Lionel"
Have you heard the new single by Molecular Lionel? It's a real ear slammer.
by Grover Loaf March 4, 2017
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A very catchy song, as referenced on the Longmont Potion Castle track "Molecular Lionel".
Have you heard that new single from Molecular Lionel? It's a real ear slammer.
by Grover Loaf March 4, 2017
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A sex act where a male tapes 3 wet hot dogs to his penis and slams it into a girl’s butthole
Hey Tim, Brooke was being a bitch so I gave her a wet slammer.
by Alex Smearman December 6, 2022
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When a lady uses a set of chopsticks to jerk you off while sucking your cock
If my wife gives my cock a shanghi slammer, it doesnt get her stroke hand dirty.
by chino_on_ice January 15, 2012
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