A term used to describe a person with such an immensely low internet connection that they are lowered to a level that of a female dog, using "fucking' for more emphasis on their lag.
Person 1:"Man this guy is keeping us from starting our game!"
Person 2:" I know right? He's such a Fucking Bitch Lagger!!!"
Person 3:"Lets just kick his ass out of our guild He's always doing this shit!"
by Klikster January 20, 2014
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A word to call an asshole or when you stub your toe.
"You're a Fucking Son of a Bitch"
by totally a h00man February 5, 2021
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People who hide behind a screen but bottle it when confronted
Fucking Screen bitch - “ spawn kills even though you’ve not gone near them”

The mandem - “oi you fucking pussy your so wet. Come on say something you won’t. Your shit on your own”

Screen bitch - “..................”
by Hippotankus April 27, 2020
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You know what lets make a fuck your bitch mom day! Not fuck the bitchy mom day 🥴 no its fuck your bitchy mom day! ):< your moms always bitchy well guess what fuck your bitchy ass mom. Does your mom bitch 24/7 no 25/8 fuck her then. Is your mama always telling you to clean your room even tho its fucking clean! Mom! Then fuck her
Person A: "My mom is such a bitch!"
Person B: "Thats a holiday, yk"
Person A: "THATS A THING!"
Person B: "Yup, look it up."

by Midnightdragonroarslikeachilds November 5, 2023
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