Buffering is when your device (could be a laptop, PC, mobile, etc) stops working either because of lag or you ditched your house for some Doritos, same thing.
Fuck Jimmy the my phone's bloody buffering shite
by Shippable April 17, 2019
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Refers to the distance between Uranus and the outer perimeter of your butt-cheeks, in terms of how far an accidentally-released blob of poop has to "travel" before it reaches --- and subsequently soils --- your clothing and/or whatever surface that you happen to be presently sitting/lying upon.
Many people think that having a huge flabby behind in undesirable, but it can actually be an advantage if you occasionally suffer from liquid farts, since it provides you with a greater butt buffer-zone; this is especially fortuitous if you happen to be sitting or reclining at the time of said unexpected discharge, since it is exhaustingly more laborious to properly sanitize a seat-cushion or mattress, whereas soiled clothing can usually just be soaked in detergent-solution and then tossed in the washer.
by QuacksO March 5, 2017
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(noun) An event of failure of such great magnitude that it exceeds the maximum negative measurement of failure (an epic failure) and loops to the maximum level of win instead.
Similar to measuring time on a round clock, being late by several hours at today's event (fail) will cause you to appear early for tomorrow's event (win) because of the buffer overrun of failure.

"When Erika sang vocaloid songs at karaoke, it was so bad that it was buffer overfail and I couldn't help but love her for it."

"The school discontinued playing polka-yodeling during detention when the students starting playing it at school functions. Apparently the punishment achieved buffer overfail and became popular."
by paldin September 25, 2011
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Something couples do in between getting home and making out. Examples include board games, card games, or cuddling while watching TV.
Caelie: You wanna make out?
Steve: We just got home, we need a buffer activity. How about we watch an episode of The Big Bang Theory first?
Caelie: Ok.
by KillerSkorpion April 3, 2014
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When you mess around with your partner instead of watching the video because the wifi is bad.
"Did you guys enjoy the movie?"
"Nah man, it was buffer and chill all night"
"Did you tap tho?"
by SirRusky January 20, 2016
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A Comfort Buffer is a friend-zoned person who is used as a comfort, for someone who is trying to fix a current / ex relationship. The buffer is simply there to provide friendship comfort and may not continue their friendship if a relationship is fixed.
Nick only keeps Isabel around as a comfort buffer, until he is able to fix his current relationship.
by TheArtofWarr September 23, 2023
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The Sidewalk Buffer is the traditional resting place after a long respectable night out on the booze. Sidewalk Buffers consist of the comfortable bed of grass between the road and the footpath. Sometimes they also include a raised sleeping platform ("Bench") and occasionally a free food dispenser ("Rubbish Bin").
Random: Hey dude, got a place to crash tonight?
You: Nah I'm good, I got the Sidewalk Buffer

You: Wanna come over to my Sidewalk Buffer?
Random Drunk Girl: Sidewalk Buffer? Hell yeah!
by Burkeley Hunt July 28, 2008
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