An abbreviation for an Australian chain of op-shops run by St Vincent de Paul. The ones near affluent suburbs often sell designer label clothes at cheap prices. Those stores in the outer suburbs sell items of questionable quality and odour.
Boganette 1: Hey, Shazza, you wanna go to Vinnies this arvo?
Boganette 2: Yeah, right after I take my kids to Maccas for lunch.
by AussieBroMate December 24, 2022
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Usually cool, good at everything he does, mostly capricorns. Chill guy but will keep it real and be rude if buttons are pushed. Mysterious. Funny and bitches will fall in love as soon as they get a little taste
‘Vinny such a player bro u see the biddy he pulled that night?’

“Yea bro he my sensei fr
by eljefedon November 1, 2021
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A very sweet girl who laughs at everything even though it doesn't make any sense. She is too hot for life. Her roasting skills are better than your moms cooking skills lmaooo.
Damn bro that guy is lucky!


His girlfriend is Vinny!

Ahh shit.
by Kuchikichiku November 23, 2021
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Person 1: hi vinny
Vinny: pneumnoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a word
Person 1: Kanye West
by vinnybear (not furry) March 5, 2023
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Vinny is a woody looking dude and probably gonna star in the next you story 6 🥳
Some girls like him and no one can tell why 🤦🏻 ♀️
“Look! It’s vinny starring in the new toy story!”
Omggg, he’s just so... nvm. Not trynna be mean today”
by The Cookie Monster 🍪 June 10, 2020
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