A guy who all the Zoe’s want to “climb generally named Tyler
by Gurglegoose March 11, 2021
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A slang word which means later or see you later
by The real23 October 30, 2017
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Giving consecutive hand jobs to rows of men facing each other.
I really need to wash my face, i just climbed the pork ladder.
by laurenjizzle May 24, 2011
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A fivesome comprised of hot males that dominate a man named (Ethan) till he can’t take it while 2 men named ( bradley, and Brendan) the guys fucking (Ethan) get dominated by a mostly black and Mexican man and black and Puerto Rican man
That dominance ladder was so good last night
by No socks jerry November 28, 2021
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A ladder for rats to climb to stuff
Want rats in a trash bin? Then use a rat ladder!
by Qorptocx March 22, 2019
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For when calling something "stupid" simply isn't enough. Stupid on a ladder means that someone or something is incredibly stupid, has an elevated level of stupidity, or is stupid on a lot of levels.
Watching five-minute crafts
Person 1: Why did she need to ruin a perfectly good fork??
Person 2: And wouldn't that just melt the fork? Especially if it's made of something flimsy!
Person 1: And even the end product is ugly! How is this a hack!?
Person 2: I don't know, man. This is stupid on a ladder.
by Lungsnatcher404 April 3, 2023
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