Saying or sending a secondary “Thank You” to someone to show appreciation AFTER the appreciated event has taken place. This should done be the next day but can be up to 3 days later. The generous person should never be left wondering if you enjoyed the event.
Person 1: We need to send Erin a “Follow Up Thank You” because the concert was great last night.

Person 2: I agree, she really hooked us up!!

Follow Up Example Text: Hey Erin, thanks again for hooking us up with those tickets, the concert was GREAT!”
by ThumbWrestlingChamp June 6, 2022
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The two words "Thank you" is a way to tell someone your grateful for something they did/do.
P1: Thank you for helping me.
P2 You're welcome!
by Chanel (fake bitch) December 15, 2022
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Could be used as "Fuck you" but you don't want to be forward
H: "Wow your hair sucks"
M: "Oh! Thank you 🥰"
by Moe2112 February 2, 2020
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I think I forgot to say thank you I. The last definition
I’m being so polite to y’all rn. Thank you is the word
by Axel lvl master September 18, 2023
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A kind gesture to show appreciation and respect. To be kind and noble to a knight's affect.
Thank you for always being there
by Supportivejenny March 12, 2020
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Saying thank you sarcastically because you're too much of a cunt too say thank you properly.
by 1234howmanypeopleareinmystore February 27, 2019
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I will call them now and ask for help.
I love my family and friends, and I don't want to lose them. I want to be there for you again.
Thank you for all the love.
by March 14, 2022
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