A class-A asshole who finds pleasure in ruining someone's life. Someone with no conscience and no heart. A coward who runs from his problems and treats girls like trash. Yet somehow there is something about him that makes every girl fall at his feet.
That girl killed herself because of what he said and Nick just laughed.
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Nick is a fat man. He usually only has one friend named luca. He will think he has more friends but no one really likes him. he has a gay brother and usually at one point in his life he will come out as bisexual and then pretend he didn't a week later. He also talks a lot of shit but can't take it, instead he just cries on his snapchat streaks.
person 1: Hey is that nick
person 2: yeah, what a whale
by josh henry the beast August 12, 2020
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Anyone with the name is a simp and can’t afford free software
Hey, do you see that simp Nick?
by Burger Boomer March 18, 2020
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the name of a man who is always in trouble, and probably the one causing it. Also, Nicks are prone to being pricks, and or assholes. Funny and sarcastic, Nicks need to be handled with a firm backhand.
(people hear something crashing and breaking in another room, followed by girlish giggling) NICK! what have you done now?
by maurerdon April 12, 2016
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Nick (pronounced NICK, rhymes with DICK)


Male, awesome, usually found gaming and eating. May pronounce things wrong, but makes up for it by being adorable.

To do something extremely well, so well, that you may just have an IQ of 180.

Totally and completely perfect.
Examples include:

1. Person A: Where's Nick?

Person B: Oh, you know him, probably off somewhere, being perfect.

2. Person X: Omg, I just Nick'd that test today.

Person Y: Shit, you aced it? Amazing.

3. Person A: How do I say he is perfect and amazing and that I want to spend the rest of my life with him?

Person B: Just say that he's Nick.
by pizzaparty October 11, 2016
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Nick is the definition of a fat cunt that sits on his ass and plays games
You remember Nick? Yeah that fat fuck
by Dac December 5, 2019
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