a graffiti term used to describe a quick bomb or burner useing only two colors, one for fill and one for outline. mostly used in the UK and europe
"yo man did you see those fresh new dubs down on the east end track side walls?"
by markeckoisgod May 10, 2006
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Music that people enjoy and is very interesting
"Yo did you listen to those awesome (steezy) dubs last night?"
by BosSSsoB January 9, 2012
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To copy from one video source to another.
I'm going to dub this video from DV to SVHS
by Gangstre April 5, 2005
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1. When guys 'double bag' for a girl
2. Poop
3. an unattractive, annoying, one-upper
4. When something goes wrong.

Also can be said as dubbed.
-Make sure you dubs for her.
-I need to go take a dubs.
-She is a dubs.
-I really dubbed on that sittuation.
by ksehealey15 August 3, 2011
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Word added to the initial of their first name to make them sound that more badass than they really are.
Name: Jeremy
Badass new name: J Dub.
by straightupsdub February 10, 2008
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A Dirty South Killas word:

Slang for Marijuana; d-u-b is b-u-d spelled backwards.
Smoke some dub.
by other_guy February 6, 2004
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The action that includes dancing, listening, or just plain getting high to the music known as dubstep. Dubstep is the music that is created from transformers having sex.
Guy 1: Dude I was dubbing so hard last night.
Guy 2: You still in the trance?
Guy 1: Ya man, shit's good!
by carsoncb1 March 14, 2011
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