The arm muscles that you get from giving killer blowjobs are called nine inch curls.
Her: Your arms are killer! What is your exercise routine?
Me: Nine inch curls a couple times a week! (wink, wink)
by Siouxsie Supertramp July 21, 2022
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Let's find the Curle, and bolb it away
by Markiplier Swear word...... January 2, 2022
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v. Flinging heavy granite stones about while solidly drunk.

Four more beer and I am going to put a bonspiel on my head and do me some Red Deer curling.
by gnostic3 January 29, 2019
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A person who is lightskin (black+white) called gray curl because they are both black and white making gray.
Yo that gray curl over there looks like a spottie to me
by it’s geevin January 18, 2018
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Tucking your dick under you so you piss up your back while sleeping.
Mike: Why do you smell like piss?
Brad: I was sleep curling last night.
by Nicky Tesla November 9, 2017
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When a person with a cheesy foreskin pulls it back and allows a willing participant to suck and clean the cheese away from the head. The result is a unit that is left shiny and clean.
I offered my girl a spicy cheese curl last night. I came way feeling clean and I think she appreciated being able to help me maintain such good hygiene.
by Durka Durka Mohammed al Smith January 15, 2022
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a fingering move where he inserts his fingers palm side up and curls upward toward the pelvis
grace omg weston had me screaming last night he did the weston ball shove and curl”

“omg it’s so good”
by bambam6968 July 24, 2019
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