
Girls who look real pretty, act nice to everyone but are not too bright in the brain department, are foolishly naive and therefore an easy score. Shouldn't be mistaken for sluts as sluts are not nice and have a high chance of being smart and cunning with men.
Lucy: Why did you even sleep with him if you didn't like him?
Tiffany: I don't knoooow. I just say "no" to peopleee aha haha.
Lucy: *sigh* You are such a bimbo.
by SpeedrunGodShitass April 21, 2022
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Bimbo has no meaning. When you call someone a BIMBO you are calling them a bimbo, deal with it.
by Bimboismine June 18, 2020
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A woman who has boobs and ass that are huge compared to the rest of her body. She also acts like a airhead and a willing barbie sex object.
Charlie: dude.. look at Claire. She’s so hot.

Pete: yeah, every guy thinks that, Charlie. She’s just a dumb bimbo who likes to sleep around with every guy at school.
Charlie: I know.. I know. Wait dude, imma ask Claire out.

Pete: You don’t need to ask her out for that.
by patootiecutie January 3, 2023
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When your boobs are bigger than your head
“Man, she’s such a bimbo, look at her boobs. They are bigger than her fucking head!”
by zerella July 2, 2023
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A white blonde girl that meets the stereotype. Attractive, dumb, main quality is sex, fake, acts and looks like a Barbie, and way too feminine.
Don’t be a sexist, not all women are bimbos you know.
by Sacredfart June 27, 2023
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A beautiful women who chooses to act ignorant or to not engage out of peace she is simply too hot to deal with some of the bullshit.
I love her she’s such bimbo unbothered and bad asfuck!”
by Ivybaby February 17, 2022
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