A large, sturdy tree that grows only on mountains and thrives near bodies of water. Its leaves have magical properties that when smoked reveal the meaning of life.
Person #1: "Dude, that's got to be the biggest and coolest tree I've ever seen."
Person #2: "That's a Rustwood Tree, let's smoke the leaves and be super wise!!"
by ohbeejuankaknowbee March 21, 2011
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A place where Emo’s “hang” out
Where’s Derek?

He’s hanging with his friends at the tree branch!
by Moosijuici August 17, 2021
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The trippy tree
Really strong marijuana, usually used for smoking to get real riggedy reckt
"Dude, this ganj is way strong"
"So that's why it's called The trippy tree"
by Pyrowolf795 July 16, 2017
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tree gyal is a magystical madi creature climbing up a branchy tree in the mistical woods, her hair flows from side to side as she sings her favourite melody.
oh you look like a tree gyal today
by jdog176543 September 30, 2021
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Pretty much a ultimate badass, Can't be beat by nobody, or that he will admit to. Most people with this nickname are from Texas or some other kinda badass state.
DUDE, he's such a Tree Nutz!! God damn he's a Tree Nutz!
by goodguy522 February 4, 2010
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Where memes grow and are born.
We planted a meme tree and reaped it's bountiful internet-based subsistance.
by Examen December 1, 2017
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"Hey, Maggie. I heard you are going on a date with Thomas."
"Yeah, Theresa, I will be tapping the maple tree tonight."
by Toastyboy March 20, 2018
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