A guy that acts like a retard but worse.
Dude, that guy is not a tool he is a Re-Turd!
by dinvergod January 20, 2010
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A turd that is shaped like a banana nut muffin.
Hey everybody, come and look at my turd muffin that I just pinched off into the toilet.
by Peck R. Wood March 10, 2017
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Condition where one experiences abdominal pain due to difficulties derived from a hard or immovable turd as the body tries to pass it to the colon.
person1: What's the matter? person2: My stomach hurts and the pain keeps moving. person1: Oh, I see. You've got a rogue turd.
by trampledunderfoot November 30, 2019
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Someone who is a big Turd. They’re just a Turd. But a big one, like mega big.
Mitchell stop being such a mega Turd
by urasscrack January 12, 2019
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A sample of turd; poo sample, stool sample.

Alternative: a person of exceptionally turdish qualities. #turdlife
'I'm just going to the doctors to hand in the turd sample they requested.'


'I was playing blops3 and met the biggest turd sample I've ever encountered.'
by parskuks March 27, 2017
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When ur poop clogs the toilet so bad you can't plunge it and have to use a drain snake
Ah shit another drain snake turd u know where the ogger is?
by Fuc biden May 27, 2021
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Person a: where is your turd driver
Person b : what
Person a: plunger A PLUNGER
by Binickle May 24, 2016
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