Another word for twat, used in mostly British and Irish context. it's the British word for "bitch" and "motherfucker", so next time you hop on discord or skype or whatever just call your friend a "twit"
Guy 1: I just found robbie's OF
Guy 2: Wow! what a twit!
by BobbyButBetter May 15, 2022
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Nan: I've got 10 twits & i dunno how to get rid of them
Granddaughter: ten what?
Nan: 10 twits honey, get with the times smh
by datebayo June 26, 2019
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Someone who is trusted using the very racist word, Honky or a really stupid monkey that jerks off when children are looking.
Mace: Hey man, is your dad the good Twit or a bad Twit?
Tyler: The good kind why?
Mace: He just gave really bad Twit vibes y'k?

Tyler: I get that.
Mace: Good thing he doesn't jerk off, like a really stupid monkey, when children look at him.
Tyler: Yeah I'm glad he just says honky.
by AGoodTwit July 6, 2021
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Short for ,
That's what I was/am Thinking
Usually uttered when you realize that you and the person/s you are talking/hanging out with have the exact same thought, at the same time.
T....I'm hungry...lets get some dinner
L.....Dude, thats what I was thinking
T & L Twit! thats what I was thinking

by teenyj July 7, 2008
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a cover u so you don't say twat in front of your Christian bartender.
Becky's such a tw... Twit
by your local Christian bartender November 3, 2019
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the name of a person who performs a jerk action or an offensive joke
by name calling December 3, 2019
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