Big Sphincter Energy or "BSE" is the substitute phrase for "assholes" when the internet is inevitably censored and we can't mock billionaires anymore.
"Yeah, that Blue Origin just reeks of BSE"

"If his attitude had a smell, it would be unfettered ass. I'm feeling utterly stifled by that big sphincter energy!"
by HerpDerp12786 September 6, 2021
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A workout where you clench your anus repeatedly to build stronger butthole muscles
Thomas accidentally let another fart slip out in class today. He should start doing 30 sphincter crunches every morning to build a stronger ass core.
by Blackforesthamwallet January 26, 2020
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The physical pain caused after over exercising and/or overheating the anal canal
"Did you hear about Debbie's Eviscerated Sphincter?"
by CHROME POLE October 12, 2019
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When having anal sex,you will shoot a full load in the anal cavity. You should then roll your partner over and immediately squat with your asshole over their mouth and as you squeeze off one of the biggest farts you can muster you punch her in the stomach. If done correctly a large cum balloon should shoot out of her asshole, (sperm is first in most cases but not all,often followed by fecal matter)
This maneuver should only be preformed on women of lesser stature than yourself because, larger statured women can become highly agitated and ussually get pissed when you fart in their mouth, much less give them the gut shot
Some girls dont enjoy a good sphincter bubble as much as I do.
by Krollkrusher December 4, 2013
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If the universe is infinite, anywhere could be the centre of the universe, so your asshole could be the centre of the universe.
Have you heard of the Sphincter Centric Theory? My asshole is the centre of the universe!
by jacobrh3 December 6, 2021
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A word you use to call some one a shit stain, but with a little class.
by Red pube muffin December 6, 2021
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