Cut through the cheesecake with the cake knife, run your fingers down the length of the knife then lick the cut-lickin's off your fingers.
by tammylh February 6, 2011
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to make a quick getaway; to abandon all and run for it.
Person 1: "There's police outside."
Person 2: "Ye, grab the money and let's up and cut."
by the bald seagull October 25, 2019
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This means females do you wrong. They'll cut throats just to cross you
Jamie:Man y'all hoes cut throat

Alex: Girk bye
by M3Re April August 27, 2017
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Similar to Cut the cheese, which means to pass gass, fart.
Andrew thought to himself:
-I hope we reach our floor soon, someone cut wind in the elevator and I'm dying.
by Svenpai March 21, 2018
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A place where men go for a hair cut and style where the service is performed by women who are scantily dressed and appear to be morally challenged.
I told my wife that I needed to go for a haircut this weekend and she told me that was fine, but I’m not allowed to go to Skank Cuts.
by Jimmyxxxj9 September 10, 2021
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A person who always twists their face in a weird way in selfies in order to look attractive but fails..instead looks like a half eaten bag of chips.
Jazmine looks like a crinkle cut hoe bag today with that horrible lipstick
by SavageBP November 4, 2017
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