To become so intoxicate, getting into a fight with a vending machine is your source of entertainment.
Seattle became so vending machine drunk, she went out looking for a fight with a coke machine.
by Anti-Texas March 15, 2010
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God of sex and creampie king you see him he sees you it's over your goodies are his
Omg that's a drunk hobo 52 I gotta go get some dick
by Drunkgod October 13, 2020
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A god a absolute Chad not only will he steal you bitch he's taking you car, house,face and money
Yo. dawg ,watch out it be that,drunk hobo 52..
by Drunkgod October 13, 2020
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To pre-game so much that one reaches blackout status prior to the event one is attending while maintaining decency and good-humor without becoming a woo-girl.
Let's get Karen Brittany Drunk so that we don't have to deal with her attitude tonight.
by tarantula_eater April 29, 2021
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When you get sloppy drunk and think it'd be real clever to write some irresponsible, hateful, or degrading things on the internet for all to see. This could also include pictures and usually involves a couple of conniving friends.

The drunken mishaps are usually forgotten until a year or so later when someone puts an status game on Facebook.
Person- I'm a real asshole when I drink sometimes, I can take 'drunk publish' to a whole other level.

Person 2- Pity you usually forget.
by Lady of the Valley February 4, 2010
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When mickey goes drunk on alcohol and jumps off buildings like kermit.
Oi m8, if Mickey went drunk on alcohol then jumped off the building like kermit would it would be a mickey mouse drunk house.
by gvvhhbv b gg March 22, 2021
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A male human being who is presumably under the influence of alcohol and is locked on the floor and unable to move, usually drunk floor men still act drunk but are unable to get off the floor
The paramedics had to be called to get the drunk floor man (DFM) off the train since he was too drunk to move and was believed to have had alcohol poisoning
by GayCloud June 16, 2018
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