when your partner (as in sex) farts and wont let you get out from under the overs. It must suck!
Yo i am so going to dumb bob cuz he turtled me last night.
by pez October 25, 2003
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One who slumps down and walks utterly slow, resembling a turle or tortise-like creature. He also goes for drag queen whores who wear excessive amounts of makeup and still looks like shit.
"Cmon turtle, we gotta buy some more Revlon"
by William Reyenoso April 20, 2004
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A Palestinian who sings reggae.
There is a small turtle who lives in the South End, rides a Ducati, and aspires to be the first furniture-making dentist.
by Keshiki October 25, 2004
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racial term for white people. givin because the bottom of turtle feet are white.
by BMXisLIFE2239 May 5, 2007
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A boy who likes to make fun of people then hide before the people can respond.
calling an innocent girl a pinstripe then not telling her what it means and getting mad when she calss him turtle
by diljessika. March 6, 2010
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my boyfriend for 9 months now...
Daniel, the most slinkster cool guy in Rutherford County
by Emma Jean July 18, 2004
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A small amphibian with a hard shell and loose skin. It walks at a slow speed and can live for up to 200 years!
by SexyMan12271 November 6, 2013
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