He's really sweet and makes me smile. He's tall, with dark hair, and brown eyes. He loves playing basketball and saying "Hehe" on repeat. He's also kind of shy and "is not scared of anything".
Person #1: I wish I were Hanna.
Person #2: Ya, I want to be really nice and have dark hair, brown eyes, and play basketball real swaggyish, and say hehe, and be shy. Darn. I wish I were Hanna too.
Person #1: Darn *cries in Swedish*
by cole123321 November 22, 2021
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Hanna is gorgeous and so freaking pretty Hanna's most come from Bosnia but be aware if you get on her bad side, her brother,her Babo(dad), and her whole family will come for you. You don't mess with the balkans
-Don't freaking mess with Hanna Mackovic !!
-Ok ok I won't I don't wanna be killed by her Babo (dad)
by helloiam December 12, 2016
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Hanna is so pretty the most Hanna's come from Bosnia, and they are badass, but be aware if you get on her bad side, her brother, her Babo(dad), and her whole family will come for you. So I am warning you don't mess with the Hanna's.
Smart person- Don't mess with Hanna Mackovic
Bad person- ok ok I won't
by helloiam December 12, 2016
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Someone who would probably pass at medical school by a mile. If they are not a doctor thwy would be the perfect villain
Person 1:“Look its hanna elisabet. They became a doctor before i learned to spell”
Person 2:“Yeah she is a very wise person
Person 3:”she passed medical school before i was born and im as old as them”
by Hanna elisabet May 4, 2022
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When cherries fall from the sky she is there to catch them, oh my hanna what a big nose you have. Better to watch you with.
Lee hanna bagel sat em eat em yum.
by Iamverysexy January 26, 2014
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when one defacates on a plate and delivers it to a worthy party
Oh my god! Sissel just Hanna Hanra'd on my favorite plate for Christmas
by TanyaHarding1989 January 1, 2017
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a smart amazing person
shes gay
she hacked my netflix account
hanna hanna is at the park
by okgn_ January 24, 2022
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