"He's the type of guy that will be really hot in a couple of years. I'd fuckle."
by cantaloupesucks April 26, 2016
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A simultaneous fart and chuckle. Can also be referred to as a "chart"
Woah! Do you smell that? I knew you fuckled!
by Phill Atio June 29, 2017
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Mixture between "fuck ton" and "couple".
"we have a fuckle of things to do today."
by Flutt3rby September 18, 2019
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To have fuck all.
Debbie-leigh says to Tom, I have Fuckle, you have the remotes.
by Theraine March 28, 2019
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The metatarsophalangeal joint between the metatarsals and the phalanges.

The knuckles on your feet.

Foot knuckles.

1. Some ballerinas are warming up, and there is a snapping sound. "What was that?" "I just cracked my fuckles."

2. "I broke my fuckles when I was piss drunk and decided to fight a cinder-block."
by ham.sanitizer August 8, 2018
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A name to call your passenger(s) when they don’t buckle their seatbelt
“Guys look! Mike isn’t wearing his seatbelt, what a fuckle!”
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