When a company or organization provides customer service that exceeds all expectations and you walk away feeling like a pretty princess. Abbreviated as UCE.
I just went to the scooter shop and had the ultimate customer experience.
by babouarcher June 30, 2017
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Ya main customer when ya selling drugs.
"You tryna meet my boy, hes bouta pick up a couple zips real quick hes one of my big customers."
by Alcohol n juuls August 13, 2018
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When someone loves strawberry Oak milk so much he becomes a Fitzy
“Man I’m such a big customer I have that toilet a blasting after”
by Marqueefa October 20, 2017
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"You can stroll a store's aisles till Doomsday and never spot da item you want, but then, just as soon as you interrupt a staffperson to ask for help in locating said desirable, THAT'S when you will notice your sought-after item right off!"
While stocking up on food at a Super Walmart, I was looking for larger packages of Armour Vienna sausage so that I could save a few cents per can, but although I had thoroughly searched the surrounding areas on the shelves, I still hadn't found anything bigger than the small six-packs, so I finally asked a nearby employee if there were any of the larger packages in stock, possibly in the back room. Well, just as we were both walking back to the area of the aisle where I'd been looking, THAT'S when I finally spied the 12-packs that were sitting on the very top shelf! Guess that was a classic case of Murphy's Law of Customer-Assistance... ah, well, again, the 12-packs were indeed sitting very high up, so at least that was a plausible excuse for my not having seen them before, especially since the store usually doesn't even expect its customers to notice stuff that's placed 'way up there, anyway; that "lofty" location is merely where they store extra merchandise for replenishing the lower-down shelves when the stock there starts to run low.
by QuacksO May 15, 2019
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Customer service means always cumming in the food of people you serve at ur occupation. Customer service means cumming on the people you are serving. Customer service means cumming in that dude’s cola because you indeed have good customer service.
I cum everywhere, because I have good customer service
by Racketmaster238 September 8, 2020
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A mediocre garage surf band made up of high school kids in south jersey that sounds a little too much like the growlers. Chances are if you go to one of their gigs you arent going for the music.
Yo are you going to the customers tonight?
Yeah man how much are they selling cigs for?
by sunnysideup56 February 4, 2020
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The sweetest and loveliest person to ever grace the earth. Someone who is very attentive and cute.
Wow, they're really a Custom-kun, huh?
by Reggie Zarola October 28, 2020
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