Not a thing. That isn't a thing that exists.
Hym "Look at him making shit up over there. What is a quasi-criminal, Jordan? Someone who does a thing that isn't a crime but you subjectively think it should be a crime so you're justified in preventing them from speaking online and/or causing them to lose money... Which is what happened to you... Seriously. The prefix 'Quasi' means 'apparently but not really.' So, like a big muscley guy with tattoos and a motorcycle who rides a motorcycle but he works as an accountant and doesn't have a criminal record or a black guy with chains and a durag. THAT is a quasi-criminal. He SEEMS like he would be a criminal... But is NOT A CRIMINAL. And he tries to tie everything he's asked about into the need for society... To do something about... People online... Using their freedom of speech... To say things... That he personally doesn't like (But other people LOVE, Jordan, everybody loves the shit I say here)... But, how is doing that any different then Youtube demonetizing you? How is the claim that YOU are doing some sort of abstract harm with YOUR speech any less legitimate? That was the justification. For firing you. You decried Youtube for taking down your videos. But it's exactly the same."
by Hym Iam November 2, 2023
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the karma what criminals deserves, even families seeing them crimes, they sentenced to rooms and no fun complete strict
ex: Makes Criminal Users Gets Grounded
ex2: Cyberbully alert
Ex: I Don't give a shit
by February 3, 2022
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He almost went to jail but he was criminally spicy.
by trent gunn October 28, 2020
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When a wealthy lonley person covered in tattoos and has gold teeth who intentionally catfish shallow men or women
I'm attracted to him he is criminal chic
by The Cornish Yorkies August 2, 2017
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An individual who surreptitiously creeps around at night and enters the homes of pubescent teens to ferociously jerk them off in their sleep and collect their semen in a burlap sack as souvenirs of his adventures, leaving the teen with sore balls, dry willy in the morning and the red ring of death.
Sandeep Singh: man, I have really sore balls, man. Must

have been the cum criminal.

James: my dad Colin, yeah, he's a proper cum criminal.
by Colin12 June 14, 2022
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A trend where criminals turn more and more into their mothers each and every day, especially the males.
Criminal mollycoddling has turned the penguin into the parakeet.
by Solid Mantis September 3, 2018
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An exclamation made in the south to express a feeling of exacerbation. See also Jiminy Cricket!
Did you hear about ol Joe Bob down the road? He got his peter stuck in bee hive! Criminately!
by Rosa Cockatoo May 31, 2021
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