(The word to describe a group of nerds IE, "cover ypur noses, here come a hunger of nerds and they've been playing WoW!")
("A hunger of nerds descended greedily upon the complimentary doritos and mountain dew")
by ShoKono November 4, 2019
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when you eat so much the previous night you wake up feeling hungry as shit...or like you could eat a fucking cow
damn that braai yesterday left me with a fucking hunger hangover
by KickitDopeTheo September 9, 2017
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Person who hasn't had any sexual contact, because of work or school. Now In need of sexual release.
" I spent all of break studying & now that hunger is strong."
by Joeyd3 March 31, 2016
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Simply defined, Hunger Games Style is a term to describe an intense sexual experience that takes place in an outdoor setting. The term implies that the hookup was extremely aggressive and even savage, one could say. Without a doubt, a prominent theme throughout this entire process is significant and intense BDSM.
“Yeah we fucked Hunger Games Style when we went to my cottage last week
by Platyfat July 15, 2020
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Why don’t you know Younger Hunger? They even have cats, what more could you ask for?
You should stream Younger Hunger’s music


Because they are the best.
by ClueLess07 December 10, 2021
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A shitty and overrated book with an even shittier movie adaptation.
I read the Hunger Games and wanted to gouge my eyes out because it was so bad.
by attarax April 19, 2022
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