when your about to have sex and usually the woman will give a signal typically with their eyes and facial expression signalling her consent
Girl: *closes eyes slowly*
(or pulls any expression giving an obvious consent face)
Guy:'was that it, was that the green light, am i good to go?!'
by that aussie October 30, 2021
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The action of tying your female partner up with christmas lights in bed. Then continuing to have sex by inserting a glow stick into her vagina repeatedly. Instead of using lubricant, glow in the dark paint is used. When the female climaxes she leaves a glow in the dark night light all over the sheets.
Lastnight I gave my girl a night light, she loved how it glowed.
by Madstech2300 March 13, 2018
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A night light makes light in the dark. Pretty cool right?
I will turn off my night light because it's day. Oh well gotta get to work real quick.
by getrealman December 3, 2021
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"Hey dude, how was your night?"

"It was good, did a night light and then passed out."
by metthh February 19, 2017
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A theoretical unit of measurement used by NASA and related illuminati "scientists" to sell you a completely false cosmological paradigm.
Nasa Scientist 1: I can't wait to rip off tax payers with the heliocentric bullshit.

Nasa Scientist 2: Yea it'll take these dim wits several light years to get the joke.

Nasa Scientist 1: yea lol, wankers
by Basedaf111 August 8, 2022
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Person A: What is a lightyear

Person: B: Light year is the only way to measure the size of ur mother
by dickchungus June 7, 2021
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