When a girl is so fine that she has the wow factor. Everyone is memorized by her to the point that all a person can say are sounds that a supporting character from King of the Hill would say.
*fine girl walks by* Sha boo ya.
by thatgirlofgnv October 7, 2022
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Ya-Bdany is a common word used in Egypt mainly used to describe how upset a person is. Ya-Bdany as a whole means a ball sack or more specifically, balls(as in testicles).
Ya-Bdany is usually mistakenly used by some women even though they biologically do not have the facilities.
example 1:

Guy 1: My answer was 25 because i used the first equation.
Guy 2: YA-BDANY! I thought we should use the third one.
faulty usage example:
Woman 1: I broke up with him.
Woman 2: YA_BDANY! I told you he is a keeper.
(not inspired by a real event :) )
by Divine_Omega January 18, 2023
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it means like good or cool. like if something is grade A.
get that know ya drink.

you see the game? how bout dem know ya 'canes!
by k-deezie March 14, 2008
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The single worst sentence one can utter. Other than all racial slurs in a row. If you've seen or heard anyone in the act of saying this sentence, please pull out a gun and shoot them then and there
Some kid: ya like amongus?
Me, turning around: the fuck you just say
Some kid: sussy amongus
Me: pulls out gun
Some kid: It was just a joke man! Come on,
Me: shoots him dead on the spot
by TamChanUwU November 2, 2021
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good ass- good
bad ass- good

dumb/fuck ass- bad
can also be used for a term of whole body
move ya ass”
by axelfindsthisfunny July 3, 2021
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