9 definitions by TamChanUwU


Those things on trees. Not nooses, leaves
Person 1: look at that leaf on that tree
Person 2: what one
Person 1: that one there
Person 2: you're not being very specific
Person 1: (points at different tree) that one there
Person 2: that's a different leaf
by TamChanUwU November 6, 2021
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The constant temperate in the upper northern hemisphere
It's always raining here. I don't like rain
by TamChanUwU November 6, 2021
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Someone who is very good at reading bibles and other assorted religious texts. Often a pedophile
My child has been baptised by the piss of the head priest of the Catholic Church
by TamChanUwU November 6, 2021
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Lamp post

One of those things that are always on or off and you never see them turning on or off, it just happens and no one knows how
I've never seen a lamp post turn on or off, have you?
by TamChanUwU November 6, 2021
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Ya like amongus?

The single worst sentence one can utter. Other than all racial slurs in a row. If you've seen or heard anyone in the act of saying this sentence, please pull out a gun and shoot them then and there
Some kid: ya like amongus?
Me, turning around: the fuck you just say
Some kid: sussy amongus
Me: pulls out gun
Some kid: It was just a joke man! Come on,
Me: shoots him dead on the spot
by TamChanUwU November 2, 2021
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Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me nowKill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now Kill me now
I don't know Walt, you've been seeming kinda sus lately
by TamChanUwU November 2, 2021
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