4 definitions by k-deezie

this is often done in black churches when you feel the "holy spirit". it is usually very big and draws a lot of attention. you may stomp on the floor and yell or jump up an down or number of other movements.
-girl that service was so good they had me shoutin up in there!!
by k-deezie June 6, 2009
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-do you want to wash your hair tonight?
+yeah but i don't have any shampoo!!
-don't worry cuh, I GOTCHU!
by k-deezie March 14, 2008
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-ey did you get some bagels last night?
+yeah cuh. cream cheese and alllll!
by k-deezie March 14, 2008
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it means like good or cool. like if something is grade A.
get that know ya drink.

you see the game? how bout dem know ya 'canes!
by k-deezie March 14, 2008
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