King of the Hill is an American animated series created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels, for FOX. It centers on the Hills, a small-town Methodist family in Texas. It attempts to retain a realistic approach, seeking humor in the conventional or mundane aspects of everyday life. Judge and Daniels conceived the series after a run with Judge's Beavis and Butt-head on MTV, and the series debuted on the Fox Network on January 12, 1997, becoming a hit early on. The series' popularity has also led to syndication around the world, including every night on Cartoon Network's late night programming block Adult Swim. The show has risen to become one of FOX's longest-running series, and the second longest-running American animated series, behind The Simpsons. In 2007, it was named by Time magazine as one of the top 100 greatest television shows of all time. King of the Hill has won two Emmy Awards and has been nominated for seven since its inception.
by SoHumHallelujah July 5, 2009
A smart show. Other reviews here are from stupid people, probably family guy fans. The show is based of off interaction between well developed characters. Dale, Hank, Bill, Peggy, Bobby, and many others are great characters, unlike peter or stewie. A lot of subtle satire, a great comedy.
(greatest king of the hill quote ever)
HANK: Now go start that report.
BOBBY: But which president should I... (Hank glares; Bobby sighs) ...Ronald Reagan.
HANK: Now go start that report.
BOBBY: But which president should I... (Hank glares; Bobby sighs) ...Ronald Reagan.
by penis2.0 August 12, 2008
by JasonMc August 11, 2003
An animated show on FOX that jumped the shark a few years ago, about 2003 or 2004. Before that it was one of the best comedies, but then they started changing the way characters acted like Hank and Dale, and added that nasty Lucky guy. Some great episodes include when Hank becomes a pimp and when Dale thinks he gets rabies. Ocasionally you'll find a diomand in the rough nowadays. Hank acts like a wussy now, back then he use to tell his buddies to shut up and he was going to kick everyones ass.
king of the hill Peggy: Hank, go see whats wrong with Bobby. Hank: So whats been bothering you son? Bobby: Well dad, I'm a little afraid of being a slut.
by velveteduardo August 26, 2007
A really boring show. It's so dull you can use the theme tune as a sedative.
Yes. It's so bad it sends you to sleep.
Yes. It's so bad it sends you to sleep.
by QueenOfThePixies March 4, 2006
The most boring cartoon on tv. Created by Mike Judge who alse created the much better and funnier Beavis and Butthead
by Bastard son of a hundred maniacs July 4, 2005
A well-developed and cleverly written animated TV show by the brilliant Mike Judge. Not for kids with short attention spans and who need constant gag after gag, i.e. Family Guy.
KOTH is filled with subtle humor and biting satire, which are lost on some.
KOTH is filled with subtle humor and biting satire, which are lost on some.
Hank (to a "hardcore" christian rock band): "Can't you see you're not making christianity any better, you're just making rock 'n roll worse".
King of the Hill is a great once you get hooked.
King of the Hill is a great once you get hooked.
by Samuel Chase7 February 21, 2007