Something you shouldn’t watch
Why? Because a man has sex with a horse in it.
Hey wanna watch the horse video?
If it’s the one where he forgets his phone, no.
by omgwhatiswhy November 7, 2023
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to pull your dick like your pulling a rope
he was pulling the horse and let go, so the white horse went for miles
by Green Lamb August 26, 2008
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when your ankles are crackly as fuck
"dude listen to those ankles crackalackin youve got some damn horse ankles on them feet
by cirava riot hiveswap hermod February 19, 2021
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A person or persons whom ride pedal bikes aggressively. They usually ride in neighborhoods, or where people are around. Rarely do they ride in rural areas. They are attention seekers, and like to be witnessed. Also, riding makes them horny, and they are big fans of Patrick Swayze.
Neighbor 1: "Did you see Chad and Stacy today?"
Neighbor 2: "Yeah man! A couple of Road Horses!"
Neighbor 1: "I heard they have vibrating bicycle seats!"
Neighbor 2: "Typicsl Road Horse, I wish I was one."
by PissTank May 19, 2015
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When someone lies and you can tell so you call them out.
Person 1: Yo check it out I just won the lottery.
Person 2: Shut your gutter-horse you incompetent fool.
by Memelord420dabdab June 5, 2022
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