person 1: this food is so good!
person 2: it's pizza dude.
person 1: i love it.
by deerpineapple3 December 3, 2018
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Almost the most delicious food I’ve ever had
My sister was coming in to the kitchen to steal my pizza
by Love_Of_Cookies December 18, 2019
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He gave me $50 for these high resolution photos of Spiderman, what the fuck am I supposed to do with that? Buy a couple pizzas?
by Solid Mantis May 2, 2021
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A food that is baked in an oven with bread sauce and there should be pineapples.
What do you want to eat for dinner?
How About pizza!
by PrestonShiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii January 31, 2022
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Is a Lebanese invention. First created by Mohammad al Pisira in the late 10th century AD, in the city of Tyre, he sought to combine pita bread with sauce of the Tomato, and lebanese cheese creating the first what he called pita, cheese and tomato, or pct for short. And Italian man visiting Lebanon on his way to Jerusalem, tried PCT, and decided to replicate in his home country. Seeking to give Mohammad his due credit, he called the dish Pizza after Pisara, but the original creator was lost to most.
Yo Mo, you say the Lebanese invented everything
Yeah but did you know the Lebanese invented Pizza? Check urban dictionary
by Pizzaman626262 November 2, 2021
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